Grain free, sugar free soft, chewy cookies in two flavors, lemon and snickerdoodle. These are absolutely the best gluten free, grain free, paleo cookies on the planet.
Grain free, sugar free baking takes skill. You have to be a bit of a mad scientist willing to perform chemical experiments that may end in disaster. This recipe nails it! And I don't mean these cookies are good for a grain free cookie.
These Lectin Free Gourmet cookies have the taste and texture that you'd pay for in a bakery. Barely crisp on the edges and soft when you bite into them, these are some of the best cookies I've ever put in my mouth. And that's saying a lot given my age, and years of baking experience.
Poozy (is that even a word) pillows of sweet, chewy goodness! That's how to best describe these little bite size cookies. You can eat 4 or 5 of them with tea. They leave no weird residue on the roof of your mouth or strange aftertaste from the sweetener. Even the most discriminating palate will recognize, this is a DGC (damn good cookie).
Made with my special LFG blend of grain free flours, monk fruit sweetener, eggs, butter and a few other key ingredients, give these a try and share the recipe if you love them. I know you will.
The Recipe
(makes about 70 bite size cookies)
LFG Grain Free Sugar Free Cookies (two flavors)
1/4 C Grassfed Butter
1/4 C Nutiva Shortening
1/4 C Lakanto Classic Monk Fruit Sweetener
1/4 C Lakanto Golden Monk Fruit Sweetener
2 Eggs
1/2 t Vanilla
1 C LFG Grain Free Flour*
2 T Arrowroot Starch
1/2 t Cream of Tartar
1/2 t Baking Soda
1/2 t Xanthan Gum
1/4 t Kosher Salt
* 2:1:1 cassava, coconut and almond flours
Lemon Cookies
Zest of 1 Lemon
1 Single Packet True Lemon Original Lemonade
Snickerdoodle Cookies
1/2 t Cinnamon
More to sprinkle on top
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a medium bowl, with an electric mixer, cream together the butter, shortening and monk fruit sweeteners until very creamy. Next, add eggs and vanilla. Cream together until very well blended. Add flour and other dry ingredients and mix together well.
If you want two different flavors, divide the recipe into two equal halves at this point. If you only want lemon or snickerdoodle, then double the flavoring for the one you choose. We're going to proceed with the recipe as if you were choosing to make two different flavors.
Put half of the dough into another medium bowl. Zest one lemon into the bowl and add the lemonade packet and mix well. Work it with your hands. It should have a very nice play doughy texture.
In the original bowl, add cinnamon and repeat the process for mixing well and working with hands. Be sure to rinse your hands between handling each flavor as you don't want your lemon cookies to taste like cinnamon or vise versa.
Next, roll the lemon cookie dough out on the counter into a 3/4 inch thick circle. There's no need to add extra flour as it will not stick. Sprinkle the top with one tablespoon of classic monk fruit sweetener. Use a small cookie cutter, to cut bite size shapes. I used leaf cutters but you can use any bite size cutter you have. Place the cut outs onto your parchment covered cookie sheet. Put them close together and fill about half of the sheet.
Next, roll the snickerdoodle dough out on the counter into a 3/4 inch thick circle. Sprinkle the top with 1 T of classic monk fruit sweetener and some cinnamon. Cut bite size shapes and place on the other half of the sheet.
Bake at 325 for 8 - 10 minutes. Do not overbake. These may seem on the light side of done, but that's what gives them their softness. Let them cool. And you'll see they're just perfect.
Enjoy these cookies warm with a cup of tea. Store them in an air tight container on the counter and indulge for days. That is if you can keep your hand out of the cookie jar : )
could these be considered Keto?